Read John Again According to John

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Vast quantity of commentaries on John overtime has enriched the interpretation of John's Gospel. However, the variations in the messages prompt the question:
Which ones are heeding John's intentions that were Jesus' ?
We believe. The focus back to original written form should lead us closer to the intended messages in Jesus' Works and Words carefully selected by John.

John specifically states his purpose for the Gospel:
" Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe (may continue to believe) that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
John seems to emphasize that to read his Gospel alone is necessary and sufficient leading to abundant life.

How long the Biblical oral tradition lasted until the Gutenberg press?

The biblical oral tradition lasted for about 1,500 years until the invention of the Gutenberg press.

The biblical oral tradition lasted for centuries before the invention of the Gutenberg press. The earliest parts of the Bible were likely passed down orally for hundreds of years before they were written down. The first written copies of the Bible date back to the 3rd century BC, but the oral tradition continued to be an important way of transmitting the Bible until the invention of the printing press in the 15th century.The Gutenberg press made it possible to mass-produce books, which led to a dramatic increase in the availability of the Bible. This had a profound impact on the way the Bible was read and understood. Before the printing press, the Bible was often read aloud in public, but the printing press made it possible for people to read the Bible privately. This led to a more individual and reflective approach to reading the Bible.The printing press also made it possible to translate the Bible into many different languages, which made it accessible to a wider audience. This had a significant impact on the spread of Christianity and the development of Western culture. 


Reliability Of Oral Tradition

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In the modern world, oral means of communication are deemed inherently unreliable as we’ve all heard of the game of telephone where a phrase is whispered around a circle and it comes out nothing like the original.But scholars have shown that in the ancient world, and to this day in some places, oral traditions were memorized and passed down to multiple generations without alteration.1
When the apostles went out to teach the Faith, they did not whisper it in secret, but proclaimed it publicly to the multitudes. Oral tradition was the normative means of passing on the faith, as St. Paul’s says in 2 Timothy 2:2, “what you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”There is no evidence that a widespread change in belief took place among the early Christians. Quite the opposite, at the end of the second century St. Irenaeus wrote that while the Church had spread over the entire known world, the Faith had been maintained in tact everywhere,2 something only attributable to the Holy Spirit.
1 – e.g., . Kenneth Bailey, “Informal, Controlled, Oral Tradition and the Synoptic Gospels” Asia Journal of Theology, 5.1(1991)
2 – Against Heresies 1:10:2 [ca. A.D. 180]

How Orally the Bible was Presented

Listeners received the biblical oral tradition in a variety of ways. In many cases, they would hear the stories being told by a community elder or religious leader. The stories would often be accompanied by music, dance, and other forms of art. This made the stories more memorable and engaging for the listeners.The listeners would also participate in the telling of the stories. They would often ask questions, offer their own interpretations, and add their own stories to the mix. This helped to create a sense of community around the stories and to ensure that they were passed down accurately.The oral tradition was also a way for listeners to connect with their ancestors and with the divine. The stories often told of the creation of the world, the history of the people, and the relationship between God and humanity. By listening to these stories, listeners could gain a sense of their place in the world and their purpose in life.The oral tradition was a vital part of the transmission of the Bible for centuries. It helped to ensure that the stories were preserved and that they remained relevant to the people who heard them. The invention of the printing press did not completely replace the oral tradition, but it did make it possible for the Bible to be read by a wider audience.Here are some additional details about how listeners received the biblical oral tradition:

  • The stories were often told in a repetitive and rhythmic way, which helped listeners to remember them.
  • The stories were often accompanied by gestures and facial expressions, which helped to bring them to life.
  • The stories were often told in a way that allowed listeners to participate. They might be asked to answer questions, offer their own interpretations, or even add their own stories to the mix.
  • The stories were often told in a way that was relevant to the listeners' own lives. This helped them to connect with the stories and to see their own experiences reflected in them.

The oral tradition was a powerful way to transmit the Bible and to connect people with its message. It is a tradition that continues to this day, as people continue to tell and retell the stories of the Bible in their own words. 

Chiasmus is a literary device that repeats words, phrases, or ideas in an inverted order. It is often used in the Bible and other religious texts, and it is thought to have helped the oral tradition in a number of ways.First, chiasmus can help to make a passage more memorable. When a passage is structured chiastically, the repeated words and phrases serve as mnemonic devices, helping the listener to remember the passage.Second, chiasmus can help to make a passage more effective. By repeating key words and phrases, chiasmus can create a sense of emphasis and closure. This can make the passage more persuasive and memorable.Third, chiasmus can help to create a sense of balance and order. The inverted structure of chiasmus can help to create a sense of symmetry and completeness. This can make the passage more pleasing to the ear and easier to understand.Here are some examples of chiasmus in the Bible:

  • "The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake." (Psalm 23:1-3)
  • "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
  • "The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom, and whatever you get, get understanding." (Proverbs 4:7)

These are just a few examples of how chiasmus can be used in the Bible. It is a powerful literary device that can help to make a passage more memorable, effective, and balanced.Here are some references that you can check out for more information on chiasmus and the oral tradition:

  • "Chiasmus in the Hebrew Bible: A Comprehensive Investigation" by James Kugel
  • "Chiasmus in the New Testament: A Study in Word Patterns" by David Alan Black
  • "Chiasmus in the Quran: A Literary Device for Structuring Meaning" by Christoph Luxenberg,our%2Dimpartial%2Dgod

it is generally believed that the Gospel of John has the most complete chiasmus in the New Testament. There are many different chiasms that have been identified in John's Gospel, but one of the most famous is the chiasm of John 1:1-18. This chiasm is often referred to as the "Johannine Prologue" and it is thought to be the key to understanding the entire Gospel of John.

These chiasms have been used by scholars to argue that John's Gospel is a carefully crafted literary work that is designed to communicate its message in a powerful and memorable way.


Peter Ellis is a scholar who has argued that the Gospel of John is structured chiastically. He proposes a chiasm for the entire book of John, which can be summarized as follows:


Barnhart modified Ellis' chiasm into concentric circles of truth in John



When Jesus was on the Cross, Pirate challenged the people with a choice:

Chose the Son of Father God to be crucified or chose the son of the fathers (Barabbas).

When Jesus  called upon Father God (whose name is "I AM" in John 17 the truly Lord's Prayer) as Heavenly Father; Holy Father; and Righteous Father,  these addresses correspond to the earthly fathers; evil/world fathers; and unrighteous fathers, respectively (1:13). The verse is in the center of the Prologue chiasm and has structural significance. Combining the observations in the Prologue as well as the Lord's Prayer, the significance of the Fatherhood of God and the fatherhood of humankind as well as the Sonship of Jesus and the sonship / daughtership of the sons / daughters of the fathers. They all apply to the subsequent considerations on signs, narratives, monologues, dialogues, etc.

This theme of Fatherhood (of God) vs. fatherhood (of men) together with the Sonship of Jesus vs. the sonship/daughtership of believers. (We shall emphasize the daughtership in the discussions on the Circle of Women in the Spiral of Truth in details in another section)

The Circle of Women - the daughtership in the world

  • Clement of Alexandria:
    • "God is the Father of all, but he is especially the Father of his Son, Jesus Christ." (Stromata 1.29.1)
    • "The Father is the source of all being and life, and the Son is the one through whom the Father reveals himself to us." (Paedagogus 1.8.47)
    • "Human fathers are limited and imperfect, but God is the perfect Father." (Exhortation to the Greeks 10)
  • Augustine of Hippo:
    • "The Father loves the Son with an infinite love, and the Son loves the Father with an infinite love. This love is the very essence of the Trinity." (On the Trinity 8.8.12)
    • "God's love is perfect and unconditional. It is not based on our merits or our actions. It is simply the way that God is." (Confessions 1.6.11)
    • "Human fathers are capable of love, but God's love is greater than anything we can imagine." (_Sermon 260.1)
  • Martin Luther:
    • "God is our Father, and we are his children. He loves us unconditionally, and he has sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins." (The Bondage of the Will 1.1)
    • "Human fathers are often harsh and demanding, but God's love is patient and forgiving." (Commentary on Galatians 4:6)
    • "We should all strive to be like God, the perfect Father. We should love one another unconditionally, and we should forgive one another." (Sermon on the Mount 5:44)
  • Karl Barth:
    • "God is the eternal and infinite Father. He is the source of all being and life, and he is the one who loves us unconditionally." (Church Dogmatics 1.1.1)
    • "Human fathers are limited and finite, but God is the eternal and infinite Father. We can never fully understand the love of God, but we can experience it through Jesus Christ." (Church Dogmatics 4.1.1)
    • "We are all called to be sons and daughters of God. We are called to live in love and obedience to him." (Church Dogmatics 4.1.2)

These are just a few examples of the many quotes and references that could be given on the fatherhood of God and the sonship of believers. The fatherhood of God is a central theme in the Bible, and it is a theme that has been explored by many theologians throughout the centuries. 

Most ancient writings in Bible time were written in chiasmus (See Article Section).  The structures of John's Gospel have been studied for centuries. The most complete one was offered by Ellis.

With the discipline of limiting to John's keywords, key phrases and key concepts, one can appreciate that the chiasmus' central themes and their interactions are more converged than the widely diversely opinionated commentaries.

By religiously following the actual words and wording as well as themes one can appreciate the original meaning by him or herself John's intentions readily.

Every believer should read John for him or herself at least once in this manner to figure out John's and therefore Jesus' message for now in one's own life.

As an reasonable example, I offer my own effort to inspire you to do the same.

I discover that as soon as I see the Original intentions of John, the messages in John are relevant to my daily life in the framework of the Gospel, namely the Family of God as the Trinity (Father, Son, & Spirit) embracing all believers. 

Also the two Pillars of the Prologue and the Lord's prayer that support the structure of the Gospel exude the beauty of the Trinity that lives within us materially.

We Encounter Face to Face to Jesus who demands Choices



...John speaks to us through his Gospel as Jesus does to the people in the Gospel. "Greater works than these," Jesus says. John's Gospel is surely one of those greater works, done in the name of Jesus and hence bearing the power and authority that Jesus has as a Son of the Father.
This notion has, of course, profound ramifications for our reading of John's gospel. It is not just historical document, but the meeting ground between us and the Risen Lord. It is, through the Spirit of God, the very works and Word of God to us, that which bears witness of Jesus' authority to the Father. As people respond to Jesus in the Gospel of John, so we respond to the text of the Gospel of John. For some, that means embracing it and being fashioned and changed by it. For others, that means rejecting it.

by Matthew Lee Anderson 

Read John according to Jesus

I would ever be careful lest I should appear to differentiate between the value of one part of Holy Scripture and another, 

but no one will deny that when we come to this chapter (John 17) we are at the center of all the sanctities.

C. G. Morgan

The author herein considers that one of the most significant features of the prayer is the names of God. Morgan and a host of other scholars opined that God's name can only be "I AM." However, addressing God is another matter. In the Kingdom of God there are new names for God ".... Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; Jesus Christ) and a new name for the people (Christians; Acts11:26)" - James B.Jorden.

Furthermore, Jesus prayed out loud  audibly for the benefit of the Apostles and addressed God intimately as Heavenly Father, Holy Father, and Righteous This is similar to how He taught  disciples to pray in the Lord's Prayer: 

"Our Father who art in heaven (i.e. Heavenly Father), hallowed be thy name (Holy Father). Thy (Righteous) kingdom (of the Father) come ........." (of course, since Jesus is sinless, He cannot pray the latter half of the prayer and He didn't).

These addresses also correspond with John 1:13b (the center of the Prologue's chiasm): "Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. which refers, in a negative sense, to the earthly fathers, the world/evil fathers, and the unrighteous fathers. 

It will be shown in another Tab, that John 1:12&13 have structural significance to the whole Gospel. We can also relate it to the center of John 17 chiasm, namely, sanctification in action means "going to the Father" by negating the fathers who are earthly, worldly and unrighteous (we shall elaborate in a separate section regarding how 1:13b, according to some scholars implies Jesus' virgin birth that analogous to every Christian rebirth). And indeed, many of narratives in John can be interpreted with the Father vs. the fathers delineation.

. xxxx

1. Chiasm (Objections in Tab Chiasm)

2. The Lord's Prayer in John 17

3. The two pillars of John

4. Taking the common key words/ key concepts/ key visions in the Prologue and the Lord's Prayer in John 17

5. Postulating the themes that have structural significance in the Gospel's narrative

6. Borrowing other scholars' findings

"The prologue and the high priestly prayer are the two pillars on which the Gospel of John rests. They provide the key to understanding the whole of the gospel, and they reveal the central themes of John's theology. The prologue tells us who Jesus is, and the high priestly prayer tells us what he has come to do. Together, they present a comprehensive picture of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who came to save the world."

   German theologian Ulrich Wilckens 

Many scholars agree with Wilckens that the prologue and the high priestly prayer are essential for understanding the meaning of John's Gospel. Some of these scholars include:
C. H. Dodd, Rudolf Bultmann, Raymond Brown, Wayne Meeks, and Craig Keener.

According to Wilckens, the two pillars of John's Gospel are the prologue (John 1:1-18) and the high priestly prayer (John 17). The prologue sets forth the central themes of the gospel, including the identity of Jesus as the Word of God, the Son of God, and the one who brings salvation to the world. The high priestly prayer, on the other hand, reveals Jesus' love for his disciples and his desire for their unity. Wilckens argues that these two passages provide the foundation for the entire gospel and that they help us to understand the meaning of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.

In this study we shall pay special attention to the interactions of the chiasmus of these two pillars, exhausting all probable thematic features relevant to unlocking the meaning in John's  narratives.

13:3 Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God


Jesus mentioned "go to Father" or "come to Father" 

14 times in the Gospel of John. 

These are the verses: 

John 14:1-3

John 14:6

John 14:9

John 14:12

John 14:28

John 15:24

John 16:10

John 16:28

John 17:11

John 17:24

John 20:17

These verses show that Jesus had a close relationship with His Father in Heaven. He spoke about His Father often, and He often referred to His Father as His "home." 

Jesus also said that He was going to "go to the Father" after He died on the cross. This shows that Jesus believed that He would be reunited with His Father after His death. The verses in John's Gospel that mention Jesus' relationship with His Father are important because they help us to understand Jesus' identity. 

Jesus was not just a man; He was also God. He was the Son of God, and He had a special relationship with His Father. This relationship is important because it shows us that Jesus is the one who can reconcile us to God. He is the one who can bridge the gap between us and God. If you are interested in learning more about Jesus' relationship with His Father, I encourage you to read the Gospel of John. It is a beautiful and inspiring account of Jesus' life and ministry.

The Lord's Prayer Chiasm

The Expression of Righteousness is Love; of Holiness Joy; and Peace Life

John Frame's Quote on Righteous & other God's attributes

To “seek God’s righteousness” is not to seek some physical law or metaphysical principle. It is not even to seek a part of God or a principle within God. It is to seek God himself. God’s righteousness is God doing the right thing. God’s power is God acting powerfully. God’s love is God being kind to other persons. Does this mean that all God’s attributes are synonymous? I would hesitate to say that because synonymy is a property of words, and I am not sure that Bible translators and theologians have in every case (and in every language) come up with the most perfect vocabulary to describe the nature of God. But I do think it is right to think of the attributes as “perspectives.” God’s justice and his grace describe the same divine character but from different angles and different contexts. His justice is his whole being, understood from the perspective of legal rectitude. The same is true for his other attributes.  

— Theology in Three Dimensions: A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance by John M. Frame 

Colin Gunton's quotes on "God is Love"

The most down to earth / up to heaven themes

+Believing & Eternal Life

+The Family of God (Familia Dei) in the Trinity - A Family of 3, then 4

     Closely linked to the central focus of this book on the identity of Jesus is the book's pursuit of another vital question: Who are God's people? 

     Philip Eapen 


+Jesus: My Peace; My Joy; & My Love for you (John 17)

+The Father vs. the fathers (Heavenly, Holy & Righteous vs. earthly, evil & unrighteous)

+The Way - Came from the Father, Going to the Father, Coming to the Father

+The Truth - the Word

+The LIfe - the Incarnation

+The words (dialogues, monologues, and the "I AM's) and works (miracles & life on earth)

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  • Los Angeles, California, United States
About John
The Gospel of John[a] (Ancient Greek: Εὐαγγέλιον κατὰ Ἰωάννην, romanized: Euangélion katà Iōánnēn) is the fourth of the four canonical gospels. It contains a highly schematic account of the ministry of Jesus, with seven "signs" culminating in the raising of Lazarus (foreshadowing the resurrection of Jesus) and seven "I am" discourses (concerned with issues of the church–synagogue debate at the time of composition)[3] culminating in Thomas' proclamation of the risen Jesus as "my Lord and my God".[4] The gospel's concluding verses set out its purpose, "that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name."[5][6]John reached its final form around AD 90–110,[7] although it contains signs of origins dating back to AD 70 and possibly even earlier.[8] Like the three other gospels, it is anonymous, although it identifies an unnamed "disciple whom Jesus loved" as the source of its traditions.[9][10] It most likely arose within a "Johannine community",[11][12] and – as it is closely related in style and content to the three Johannine epistles – most scholars treat the four books, along with the Book of Revelation, as a single corpus of Johannine literature, albeit not from the same author.[13]
Verses in John's gospel that mention "father"

Verses in John's gospel that mention "father"

Verses in John's gospel that mention "father"

Gunton: "The Spirit is Love"

Gunton: "The Spirit is Love"

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“Do you now believe?” Jesus (John 16:27-31 NIV)

“Do you now believe?” Jesus (John 16:27-31 NIV)

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Jesus said "come and see"

Jesus said "come and see"

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Incarnation and "Father sent the Son"

Incarnation and "Father sent the Son"

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John 1:12-13 have structural significance to the whole Gospel

John 1:12-13 have structural significance to the whole Gospel

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The Johannine Dualismby George Eldon LaddThe Two Worlds

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Earthly Fathers

Earthly Fathers in John 1:13b

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The other Gospels begin with Bethlehem; John begins with ‘the bosom of the Father.’ Luke dates his narrative by Roman emperors and Jewish high-priests; John dates his ‘in the beginning.’ To attempt adequate exposition of these verses in our narrow limits is absurd; we can only note the salient points of this, the profoundest page in the New Testament.


For the readers of the Old Testaments, the New Testaments are before Genesis. 

Would that proves that Creation is for the sake of Salvation?


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