Women in John’s Gospel

The Women Mentioned in John’s Gospel


1. Wedding in Cana (2:1–11)

Woman, what have I to do with you?—a question of relationship.

2. Samaritan (ch. 4)

The one you now have is not your husband—no true relationship.

3. Adulteress (8:1–11)Taken in the very act—unfaithful to relationship.

4. Martha and Mary (chs. 11–12)

At the death of their brother: Your brother shall rise again—a restored relationship.

5. Mary, Mother of Jesus (19:25–27)

At the death of her Son: ‘Woman, behold your son!’ . . . disciple, ‘Behold your mother!’—announcement of a new relationship.

6. Mary Magdalene (20:11–18)

At the tomb: ‘Go and tell my brethren, I ascend to my Father and your Father, to my God and yourGod’—announcement of a new relationship.