The Expression of Righteousness is Love; of Holiness Joy; and Peace Life

John Frame's Quote on Righteous & other God's attributes

To “seek God’s righteousness” is not to seek some physical law or metaphysical principle. It is not even to seek a part of God or a principle within God. It is to seek God himself. God’s righteousness is God doing the right thing. God’s power is God acting powerfully. God’s love is God being kind to other persons. Does this mean that all God’s attributes are synonymous? I would hesitate to say that because synonymy is a property of words, and I am not sure that Bible translators and theologians have in every case (and in every language) come up with the most perfect vocabulary to describe the nature of God. But I do think it is right to think of the attributes as “perspectives.” God’s justice and his grace describe the same divine character but from different angles and different contexts. His justice is his whole being, understood from the perspective of legal rectitude. The same is true for his other attributes.  

— Theology in Three Dimensions: A Guide to Triperspectivalism and Its Significance by John M. Frame 

Colin Gunton's quotes on "God is Love"