When Jesus was on the Cross, Pirate challenged the people with a choice:

Chose the Son of Father God to be crucified or chose the son of the fathers (Barabbas).

When Jesus  called upon Father God (whose name is "I AM" in John 17 the truly Lord's Prayer) as Heavenly Father; Holy Father; and Righteous Father,  these addresses correspond to the earthly fathers; evil/world fathers; and unrighteous fathers, respectively (1:13). The verse is in the center of the Prologue chiasm and has structural significance. Combining the observations in the Prologue as well as the Lord's Prayer, the significance of the Fatherhood of God and the fatherhood of humankind as well as the Sonship of Jesus and the sonship / daughtership of the sons / daughters of the fathers. They all apply to the subsequent considerations on signs, narratives, monologues, dialogues, etc.

This theme of Fatherhood (of God) vs. fatherhood (of men) together with the Sonship of Jesus vs. the sonship/daughtership of believers. (We shall emphasize the daughtership in the discussions on the Circle of Women in the Spiral of Truth in details in another section)

The Circle of Women - the daughtership in the world